Closing Trade : HAL

Stock / Symbol: Halliburton / HAL

Option Strategy: diagonal call spread (originally)
Trade entry date: Nov 8, 2011
Trade exit date: Feb 22, 2012 @ 11:13am EST
Price at trade entry: $38.26
Price at trade exit: $38.34

Current Position:
Long 1 HAL Apr12 30 call
at an effective cost of $8.34 per contract

Adjustment: With time running out on our long call, we closed our long time HAL trade this morning at $8.45 per contract for a 9.2% (pre-commission) return. If you don't get filled at $8.40 per contract or better by the end of the day, close out the trade at the bid.

Closing Trade Details:
STC 1 HAL Apr12 30 call
for a credit of $8.40 per contract (day order, limit order)

Max Risk: $834
Max Profit: unlimited
Profit Range: $38.34 + by Apr 20
Realized profit / loss: $76.80 or 9.2% (pre-commission)

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