Closing Trade : SPX

Stock / Symbol: S&P 500 INDEX / SPX

Option Strategy: [private_monthly]bear call spread[/private_monthly]
Trade entry date: Feb 15
Price at trade entry: $1355.07
Price at this post: $1402.58

Reasoning: Our stop was triggered today, so we've entered a GTC order to buy back the spread for a debit of $0.10.

Closing Trade Details:[private_monthly]

BTC -2 SPX Mar12 1415 calls
STC 2 SPX Mar12 1420 calls
for a net debit of $0.10 per contract (GTC, limit order)

Max Risk: $890
Max Reward: $110 or 12% by Mar 16
Profit Range: $0 - $1415
Suggested Stop @: $1401
Profit / Loss upon fill: $90 or 10%

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