Stock / Symbol: S&P 500 Index / SPX
Option Strategy: iron condor
Trade entry date: Jul 11
Trade exit date: Jul 27
Price at trade entry: $1342.70
Price at trade exit: $1383.50
Update: Our GTC close orders that we entered just after entering this trade on Jul 11th have executed and we're now out of this trade. Our order to close the call portion of the spread for a debit of $0.15 was filled on the 24th @ 11:33am EST. Our GTC closing order on the put portion of the spread for a debit of $0.15 was filled on Friday @ 1:26pm EST. With an entry for a credit of $1.20 and an exit for a debit of $0.30, we made 10.22% on this trade (pre-commission) in 17 days time.
If you haven't yet exited this trade, you have 2 options: 1) close the put portion of this trade today for a debit of $0.10; and enter in a GTC order to close the call portion of the trade for a debit of $0.20 (be sure to stop out at/over 1405); or 2) just close the entire trade now. For our auto trade partners, if you cannot use GTC orders, please close the trade here.[/private_monthly]
Closing Trade Details:
STC 1 SPX Aug12 1220 put
BTC -1 SPX Aug12 1230 put
for a net debit of $0.10 per contract (GTC, limit order)
BTC -1 SPX Aug12 1435 call
STC 1 SPX Aug12 1445 call
for a net debit of $0.20 per contract (GTC, limit order)
or, to close now
STC 1 SPX Aug12 1220 put
BTC -1 SPX Aug12 1230 put
BTC -1 SPX Aug12 1435 call
STC 1 SPX Aug12 1445 call
for a net debit of $1.00 per contract (day order, limit order)
Max Risk: $880
Max Reward: $120 or %13.6 by Aug 17
Profit Range: between $1230 & $1435 by Aug 17
Suggested Downside Stop @ $1273
Suggested Upside Stop @ $1384 (now 1405 if still in trade)
Realized Profit / Loss: $90 or 10.22% (pre-commission)
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