Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]S&P 500 INDEX / SPX
Price at trade post: $1337.93[/private_monthly]
Option Strategy: iron condor
Reasoning: This trade has a 94% probability of success and reaches full profit potential this Friday. We may not get filled at our desired limit but we'd rather not get filled than take in less money.
Max Risk: $950
Max Reward: $50 or 5.26% by May 20th
Profit Range: $1304.75 - $1370.25
Max Profit at: $1305 - $1370
Trade Details:
BTO 2 SPX May11 1300 Puts
STO -2 SPX May11 1305 Puts
STO -2 SPX May11 1370 Calls
BTO 2 SPX May11 1375 Calls
for a net credit of $0.25 per contract
Cost/Proceeds ($50.00)
Option Requirement $1,000.00
Total Requirements $950.00
Estimated Commission $12.95
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