Closing Order Adjustment : NFLX

Stock / Symbol: Neflix / NFLX

Option Strategy: [private_monthly]iron condor[/private_monthly]
Trade entry date: Jan 25
Price at trade entry : $94.95

Adjustment: [private_monthly]We didn't get our expected intra-day pull back. With NFLX over $120, our position will get exercised for the full loss on the trade if we cannot close it for less than $5. We're ratcheting up our sell order here to $4.85.[/private_monthly]

Trade Details:

BTC -1 NFLX JanWk4 115 call
STC 1 NFLX JanWk4 120 call

for a net debit of $4.85 per contract (day order, limit order)


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