New Trade : NBR

Stock / Symbol: Nabors Industries / NBR Price at trade post: $16.60 Option Strategy: [private_monthly]calendar call spread[/private_monthly] Reasoning:[private_monthly] With solid fundamentals and with NBR trading at the low end of it’s trading range, we’re putting [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment : JNJ

Stock / Symbol: Johnson & Johnson / JNJ Option Strategy: [private_monthly]calendar call spread[/private_monthly] Trade entry date: Mar 19 Price at trade entry: $65.17 Price at this adjustment: $66.21 Current Position:[private_monthly] long 5 JNJ Jul12 65 [Read More …]

Closing Trade : MCP

Stock / Symbol: MolyCorp / MCP Option Strategy at trade entry: [private_monthly]combo (short put/long call), AKA synthetic long stock[/private_monthly] Current Strategy: [private_monthly]naked put[/private_monthly] Trade entry date: Feb 23 Price at trade entry: $28.66 Price at [Read More …]

New Trade : HSY

Stock / Symbol: The Hershey Co. / HSY Option Strategy: [private_monthly]broken wing butterfly call spread[/private_monthly] Price at trade post: $61.15 Reasoning: We’re always looking for those “Steady Eddie” stocks that work very well for [private_monthly]butterfly [Read More …]

New Trade : JDSU

Stock / Symbol: JDS Uniphase Corp / JDSU Option Strategy: [private_monthly]vertical call spread[/private_monthly] Price at trade post: $13.88 Reasoning: JDSU looks like it’s ready to [private_monthly] jump up over $15 within a matter of weeks. [Read More …]

New Trade : X

Stock / Symbol: US Steel / X Option Strategy: [private_monthly]diagonal call spread[/private_monthly] Price at trade post: $29.74 Reasoning: With decent fundamentals and a good looking chart, we’re going with a [private_monthly]diagonal call spread here on [Read More …]

New Trade : JNJ

Stock / Symbol: Johnson & Johnson / JNJ Option Strategy: [private_monthly]calendar call spread[/private_monthly] Price at trade post: $65.20 Reasoning: Going back to our old faithful, Johnson & Johnson. [private_monthly]JNJ continues to trade right around 65, [Read More …]

New Trade : FCX

Stock / Symbol: Freeport McMoran / FCX Option Strategy: [private_monthly]calendar call spread[/private_monthly] Price at trade post: $39.80 Reasoning: With FCX looking like it has technically [private_monthly]put in a bottom, we’re going with a 42 strike [Read More …]

Closing Trade : CAT

Stock / Symbol: Caterpillar / CAT Option Strategy: [private_monthly]calendar put spread[/private_monthly] Trade entry date: Feb 29 Price at trade entry: $115.92 Price at this post: $113.85 Current Position : [private_monthly] Long 2 CAT Apr12 110 [Read More …]

Closing Trade : SPX

Stock / Symbol: S&P 500 INDEX / SPX Option Strategy: [private_monthly]bear call spread[/private_monthly] Trade entry date: Feb 15 Price at trade entry: $1355.07 Price at this post: $1402.58 Reasoning: Our stop was triggered today, so [Read More …]