Closing Trade : KO

Stock / Symbol: Coca Cola / KO Option Strategy: call ratio calendar spread Trade entry date: Jan 11 Price at trade entry: $67.91 Price at trade exit: $68.59 Reasoning: We’re currently up about 10% on [Read More …]

Closing Order Update : JNJ

Stock / Symbol: Johnson & Johnson / JNJ Option Strategy: butterfly call spread + protective call Trade entry date: Feb 7 Trade exit date: Feb 16 Price at trade entry: $65.35 Price at trade exit: [Read More …]

Order Updates

Stock / Symbol: S&P 500 INDEX / SPX Trade entry date: Feb 15 @ 11:41am EST Price at trade entry: $1355.07 Option Strategy: [private_monthly]bear call spread[/private_monthly] Update: We got filled today on our [private_monthly]SPX bear [Read More …]

Closing trade : JNJ

Stock / Symbol: Johnson & Johnson / JNJ Option Strategy: butterfly call spread + protective call Trade entry date: Feb 7 Price at trade entry: $65.35 Price at this post: $64.83 Reasoning: We’re entering our [Read More …]

Closing Trade : K

Stock / Symbol: Kellog / K Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Trade entry date: Jan 6 Price at trade entry: $50.39 Price at this post: $52.82 Reasoning: Bolstered by it’s announced purchase of Pringles, K [Read More …]

ZNGA trade

Stock / Symbol: ZYNGA Inc / ZNGA Option Strategy: strangle Trade entry date: Feb 13 Trade exit date: Feb 14 Price at trade entry: $13.52 Price at trade exit: $14.45 Update: We got filled at [Read More …]

closing trade : ZNGA

Stock / Symbol: ZYNGA Inc / ZNGA Option Strategy: [private_monthly]strangle[/private_monthly] Trade entry date: Feb 13 Price at trade entry: $13.52 Reasoning: Thanks to a decent move in the stock + an increase in volatility, we’re [Read More …]

New Trade : ZNGA

Stock / Symbol: ZYNGA Inc / ZNGA Price at trade post: $13.56 Option Strategy: [private_monthly]strangle[/private_monthly] Reasoning:[private_monthly] While a Strangle is a low probability trade, we believe that ZNGA can move 12% or more on it’s [Read More …]

New Trade : SPX

Stock / Symbol: S&P 500 INDEX / SPX Price at trade post: $1349.90 Option Strategy: [private_monthly]bear call spread[/private_monthly] Reasoning: We are expecting the SPX to [private_monthly]continue a bit higher from here, but then peter out [Read More …]

Order Update : JNJ

Stock / Symbol: Johnson & Johnson / JNJ Price at trade post: $65.35 Option Strategy: [private_monthly] butterfly call spread + protective call[/private_monthly] Update:[private_monthly] We got filled on the butterfly at $1.66, and then on the [Read More …]