New Trade : NFLX

Stock / Symbol: Neflix / NFLX Price at trade post: $95.00 Option Strategy: [private_monthly]iron condor[/private_monthly] Reasoning: With earnings due out this evening, we’re putting on [private_monthly]an iron condor trade that bets NFLX will not move [Read More …]

Closing Trade : AAPL

Stock / Symbol: Apple / AAPL Option Strategy: iron condor Trade entry date: Jan 24 Price at trade entry: $423.17 Reasoning: With AAPL trading near the lows of the day, we’re going to close the [Read More …]

Trade Update : AAPL

Stock / Symbol: Apple / AAPL Option Strategy: iron condor Trade entry date: Jan 24 Price at trade entry: $423.17 Update: We got the pop we expected from AAPL. As long as AAPL stays above [Read More …]

New Trade : AAPL

Stock / Symbol: Apple / AAPL Price at trade post: $423.22 Option Strategy: [private_monthly]iron condor[/private_monthly] Reasoning: With earnings due out this evening, we’re putting on [private_monthly]an iron condor trade that bets AAPL will finish either [Read More …]

Trade Update : GOOG

Stock / Symbol: Google / GOOG Option Strategy: iron condor Trade entry date: Jan 19 Trade exit date: Jan 20 Price at trade entry: $636.60 Price at this post: $581.87 Update: We got filled yesterday [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment : HAL

Stock / Symbol: Halliburton / HAL Option Strategy: [private_monthly]diagonal call spread[/private_monthly] Trade entry date: Nov 8 Price at trade entry: $38.26 Price at this post: $36.02 Current Position: [private_monthly] Long 1 HAL Apr12 30 call [Read More …]

Trade Update : MSFT

Stock / Symbol: Microsoft / MSFT Update: [private_monthly]got filled at $0.46 on the new calendar spread. Note that we’re selling JanWk4 calls which expire on Jan 27. Trade Details: BTO 10 MSFT Mar12 29 Calls [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment : MSFT

Stock / Symbol: Microsoft / MSFT Option Strategy: [private_monthly]calendar call spread[/private_monthly] Trade entry date: Dec 23 Price at trade entry: $25.97 Price at this post: $29.05 Current Position:[private_monthly] Long 15 MSFT Mar12 26 Calls Short [Read More …]

New Trade : GOOG

Stock / Symbol: Google / GOOG Price at trade post: $636 Option Strategy: iron condor Reasoning: With earnings due out this evening, we’ve found [private_monthly]an iron condor trade that, if filled at or over $5.10 [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment : K

Stock / Symbol: Kellog / K Option Strategy: [private_monthly]diagonal call spread[/private_monthly] Trade entry date: Jan 6 Price at trade entry: $50.39 Price at this post: $51.34 Current Position : [private_monthly] Long 3 K Jun12 47.5 [Read More …]