New Trade : Bear Call Spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Anadarko Pete Corp / APC [/private_monthly] Price at trade post: $82.58 Option Strategy: bear call spread Reasoning: Fundamentally, [private_monthly]APC [/private_monthly] is worth just $36.46 a share and is technically over bought. The [Read More …]

Closing Trade : WFM call spread

Stock / Symbol: Whole Foods Market / WFM Option Strategy: call spread Trade entry date: Jun 24 Price at trade entry: $60.07 Price at this post: $65.87 Max Risk: $1075 Max Reward: $175 or 16% [Read More …]

Fill / Trade Report

Stock / Symbol: Apache / APA Original Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Action: Sold to Close 1 APA Jul 125 Call yesterday to close out the trade Entry date: Jan 14th Price at time of [Read More …]

Correction – APA

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Apache / APA [/private_monthly] Trade Details: STC 1 APA Jul 125 Call for a net credit of $8.80 per contract (GTC, limit order)

Closing Trade – APA

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Apache / APA [/private_monthly] Original Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Entry date: Jan 14th Price at time of trade entry: $124.57 Price at time of this update: $128 Current Position:[private_monthly] Long 1 [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – calendar call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Walmart / WMT [/private_monthly] Option Strategy: calendar call spread Date of trade entry: May 26 Price at trade entry: $54.61 Price at this post: $53.56 Current Position: [private_monthly] Long 6 WMT Sep11 [Read More …]

Position Update

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Apache / APA [/private_monthly] Original Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Entry date: Jan 14th Price at time of trade entry: $124.57 Price at time of this update: $125.01 Current Position:[private_monthly] Long 1 [Read More …]

Fill / Trade Report

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Pan American Silver / PAAS [/private_monthly] Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Action: Adding short calls to our long call position. STO 2 Aug11 36 calls @ 0.75 per contract Report: We were [Read More …]

Today’s 2nd Trade Adjustment : diagonal call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Pan American Silver / PAAS [/private_monthly] Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Trade entry date: March 18th Price at trade entry: $34.81 Price at this adjustment: $33.58 Current Position:[private_monthly] Long 2 PAAS Oct11 [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment : Market Hedge

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]iPath S&) 500 VIX Short-Term Futures / VXX[/private_monthly] Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Trade entry date: Mar 24 Price at trade entry: $30.66 Price at this post: $23.68 Current Position:[private_monthly] Long 1 [Read More …]