New Trade – bear call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Russell 2000 / RUT [/private_monthly] Price at trade post: $846.27 Option Strategy: bear call spread Reasoning: With it looking like the market is topping here, were putting on bear call spread on [Read More …]

Fill / Trade Report

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Sotheby’s / BID [/private_monthly] Cancel the following order: [private_monthly] STO -2 BID Jul11 55 Puts BTO 2 BID Jul11 60 Puts [/private_monthly] —- Closed Trade Stock / Symbol: Intel / INTC Option [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Sotheby’s / BID [/private_monthly] Adjustment: Increasing bid to $4.50 per contract Trade Details: [private_monthly] Modify current order as follows: STO -2 BID Jul11 55 Puts BTO 2 BID Jul11 60 Puts for [Read More …]

New Trade – Put Spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Sotheby’s / BID [/private_monthly] Price at trade post: $48.00 Option Strategy: put spread Reasoning: While [private_monthly]BID[/private_monthly] has moved up with the greater market, our fundamental models show that it’s fully valued here [Read More …]

Closing Trade – INTC

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Intel / INTC [/private_monthly] Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Trade entry date: Jun 24 Price at trade entry: $21.36 Price at this post: $23.32 Reasoning: We entered this trade with target making [Read More …]

Order Adjustment

Stock / Symbol: ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury / TBT Trade Details: [private_monthly] BTC -5 TBT JulWk1 34 Calls STC 5 TBT JulWk1 35 Calls for a net debit of $0.68 per contract (Day Order, [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – market hedge

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]iPath S&) 500 VIX Short-Term Futures / VXX[/private_monthly] Entering Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Trade entry date: Mar 24 Price at trade entry: $30.66 Price at this post: $20.32 Current Position: [private_monthly] [Read More …]

Closing Trade – TBT iron condor

Stock / Symbol: ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury / TBT Option Strategy: iron condor Trade entry date: Jun 24 Price at trade entry: $32.07 Price at this post: $34.33 Reasoning: With TBT looking like it’ll [Read More …]

Closing Trade – WAG calendar call spread

Stock / Symbol: Walgreen Co/ WAG Option Strategy: calendar call spread Trade entry date: Jun 7 Price at trade entry: $43.29 Price at this post: $41.70 Current position: Long 3 WAG Oct11 44 Calls Short [Read More …]

New Trades – Hedges

Here are some trades we’re putting on today in order to hedge against a market pullback between now and July expiration Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]ProShares UltraShort S&P500 / SDS [/private_monthly] Price at trade post: $22 [Read More …]