Closing Trade – call ratio backspread

Stock / Symbol: JP Morgan / JPM Price at trade entry: $44.84 Price at this trade post: $45.55 Option Strategy: call back spread Reasoning: With JPM looking like it might just settle in between our [Read More …]

New Trade – iron condor

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Russell 2000 / RUT [/private_monthly] Price at trade post: $817 Option Strategy: iron condor Max Risk: $896 Max Reward: $104 or 11.6% by Mar 2011 expiration Profit Range: $710 – $885 Reasoning: [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – diagonal call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Apache / APA [/private_monthly] Original Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Entry date: Jan 14th Price at time of trade entry: $124.57 Price at this adjustment: $118.36 Option Strategy Modified to: calendar call [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – calendar call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Las Vegas Sands / LVS [/private_monthly] Price at trade entry: $50.81 Date trade entered: Nov 4, 2010 Price at this adjustment: $46.77 Option Strategy: calendar call spread Current Postion: [private_monthly] Long 2 [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – diagonal call spread

tock / Symbol: [private_monthly]United States Oil Fund / USO[/private_monthly] Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Price at trade opening: $37.40 Price at Jan 26 adjustment: $36.25 Price at Jan 31 adjustment: $38.30 Price at this adjustment: [Read More …]

Closing trades / Position Updates

We’ve got four positions with legs that expire today. Here’s what we’re doing / where we stand: Stock / Symbol: Macy’s / M Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Entry date: Jan 20th Price at time [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – diagonal call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Apache / APA[/private_monthly] Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Price at trade entry: 124.58 Price at this adjustment: 120.80 Reasoning: With [private_monthly]Apache[/private_monthly] up slightly following its earnings release and conference call, it looks [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – diagonal call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Apache / APA[/private_monthly] Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Price at trade entry: 124.58 Price at this adjustment: 119.60 Reasoning: With [private_monthly]Apache[/private_monthly] reporting earnings tomorrow morning, we’re adding a put to protect against [Read More …]

Closing Trade – CMG call ratio backspread

Stock / Symbol: Chipotle Mexican Grill / CMG Price at trade entry: $255.74 Option Strategy: call ratio back spread Reasoning: While we did get a nice pop on CMG, it wasn’t quite enough. We’re closing [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – calendar call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Las Vegas Sands / LVS[/private_monthly] Option Strategy: calendar call spread Stock price at this adjustment: $46.36 Adjustment: With WYNN reporting this afternoon, [private_monthly]LVS[/private_monthly] could move up nicely tomorrow. Also, as we’ve already [Read More …]