New Trade – combo (short put / long call)

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]General Electric / GE[/private_monthly] Price at trade opening: $16.58 Option Strategy: combo (short put / long call) Max Risk: $1,575 Max Reward: unlimited Profit Range: $16.76+ Reasoning:Expect that [private_monthly]GE[/private_monthly] will move up [Read More …]

Closing Trade – diagonal call spread

Stock Symbol: DIS Option Strategy: diagonal call spread Price at Trade entry: $33.23 Amt Risked: $1,164 Current Value: 1,250 Return: 7.22% Reasoning: [private_monthly]Disney – DIS[/private_monthly] has moved up faster than we expected. We’ll close this [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – calendar call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Las Vegas Sands / LVS[/private_monthly] Price at time of trade entry: $41 Option Strategy: calendar call spread Reasoning: Our premise that [private_monthly]LVS[/private_monthly] would move higher was right but we were wrong on [Read More …]

Report Card – as of October 29th, 2010

Since our official launch on August 9th, our portfolio is up 15.36%. Compare this to the S&P, which is up just 5.37% in the same time. Start Date: 08/09/10 End Date: 10/29/10 SPX DOW Opening [Read More …]

New Trade – diagonal put spread

Stock Symbol: [private_monthly]FCX[private_monthly] Option Strategy: diagonal put spread Max Profit: $332 Max Risk: $405 Max Return: 82% Profit Range: $0 – $96.33 Max Profit at: $90 Reasoning: We think Gold is pulling back here and [Read More …]

Closing Trade – CSTR

Here’s the order: Sell To Close 1 CSTR Apr11 40 Call @ $9.74 Buy To Close 1 CSTR Oct10 45 Call @ $1.34 For a Credit of $8.40 Estimated Commission $12.95 Estimated Order Total $827.05

Closing Trade – GLW covered call + call spread

Stock Symbol: GLW Price at Trade Entry: $18.60 Option Strategy: covered call + call spread Update: Time to close out this trade and take profits. Current Positions: 100 shares GLW @ $17.66 -1 OCT 18 [Read More …]

Closed Trade – SSO bear call spread

Per our sell alert yesterday, we closed out our SSO bear call spread. Our reasoning was that when we entered the trade on 9/22, we felt the market was ready for a pullback. However, Tuesday’s [Read More …]

Closing Trade Alert

We’re closing the CSTR put spread and SSO call spread here. Details to follow.

Report Card

Since our official launch on August 9th, our portfolio is up 12.48%.  Compare this to the S&P, which is only up 2% in the same time. Start Date: 08/09/10 End Date: 10/01/10 SPX DOW Opening [Read More …]