New Trade – covered call

Stock Symbol: [private_monthly]WFC[/private_monthly] Price at time of Trade: $25.75 Target Price: $29 Strategy: Covered Call Reasoning:Expect that stock has bottomed here at $25.55 and see it heading back up to 28 – 29 within the [Read More …]

New Trade – call spread

Stock Symbol: [private_monthly]APPL[/private_monthly] Strategy: Call Spread Reasoning: expect stock to stay in [private_monthly]230 – 270 [/private_monthly] range for next few months. Risk is $12.80 per share to make $7.20 per share or a return of [Read More …]

New Trade – put spread

Stock Symbol: [private_monthly]GOOG[/private_monthly] Strategy: Put Spread Reasoning: We expect this stock to drop 20 points from it’s current price. We could just trade a straight put, but we’d be looking at a 2 for 1 [Read More …]

Trade Update

Yesterday, we did not get filled on our put/call combo on [private_monthly]GLW[/private_monthly]. However, we re initiated the trade this morning and got filled for net credit of $0.30.

New Trade – Combo (short put / long call)

Stock Symbol: [private_monthly]GLW[/private_monthly] Strategy: Combo (short put / long call) Reasoning: We expect this stock to go to 20 – 22 within 1 month. The trade generates a $0.20 per share credit. If, by Sep [Read More …]

Trade Update – Calendar Spread

[private_monthly]CHK[/private_monthly] calendar spread: Bought long call at 5.00.  Current bid = 5.5 Sold short call for .47.  Current ask = .61 Net debit = 4.53 Current value = 4.89 (up 7.9%). Action: sell for net [Read More …]

Trade Update – Covered Call

We entered into our covered call on [private_monthly]MEE[/private_monthly] on May 21st.  We’re long 100 shares of the stock at $29.50 per share and short the 1 – June 29 strike call at $3.60 per contract.  [Read More …]

New Calendar Spread

Stock Symbol: [private_monthly]CHK[/private_monthly] Strategy: Calendar Spread Trade Details: buy 1 Jan 2012 20.00 call option for approximately $4.90 sell 1 Jan 2011 30.00 call option for approximately $0.50 Uncalled Return: 10.2% Called Return: 5.6% [private_monthly] Flash [Read More …]

New Trade – Covered Call

Stock Symbol: [private_monthly]MEE[/private_monthly] Strategy: covered call Trade Details: – purchase 100 shares of [private_monthly]Massey Energy [/private_monthly]at or near last close of $29.89 – sell 1 June 10 29.00 call option for approximately $3.35 Uncalled Return: 11.2% [Read More …]

Retesting Lows?

Looks like we are retesting lows that we made couple weeks ago probably be in sideways trading range for a while until dust settles.