Closing Trade – SSO ratio put spread

Stock / Symbol: ProShares Ultra S&P500 ETF / SSO Option Strategy: ratio put spread Price at trade open on Oct 26th: $41.93 Price at trade close: $46.98 Reasoning: This no cost market hedge has served [Read More …]

Closing Trade – T Put Spread

Stock / Symbol: ATT / T Option Strategy: Put Spread Price at Trade open on Sep 7th: $27.44 Price at Trade close: $29.14 Reasoning: We’ve finally come to terms with the fact that ATT is [Read More …]

Closing Trade – BBY calendar spread

Stock / Symbol: Best Buy / BBY Price at trade opening on Nov 5th: $45.18 Price at trade adjustment on Dec 7th: $41.93 Reasoning: Best Buy got crushed today by a bad earnings report. While [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – calendar call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Zions Bancorp / ZION [/private_monthly] Option Strategy: calendar spread Entry date: Oct 6th; Price at trade entry: $21.94 Price at Nov 24 adjustment: $19.47 Price at this adjustment: $22.79 Adjustment: Our worries [Read More …]

Closing Trade – GT call spread

Stock / Symbol: GoodYear Tire / GT Option Strategy: call spread Action: BTC -5 GT Jan11 11 Call STC 5 GT Jan11 9 Call for a net credit of $1.65 Reasoning: We may not get [Read More …]

Report Card – As of November 30th

Since our official launch on August 9th, our portfolio is up 9.63% as of November 30th. Compare this to the S&P, which is up just 5.14% in the same time. Start Date: 08/09/10 End Date: [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – SPX iron condor

Stock / Symbol: S&P 500 / SPX Option Strategy: iron condor Reasoning: with the SPX moving closer to 1245, we’re going to roll up the call side of this trade to go short the 1265 [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – diagonal call spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Best Buy / BBY[/private_monthly] Price at trade opening: $45.18 Price at trade adjustment: $41.93 Reasoning: [private_monthly]BBY[/private_monthly] isn’t playing nice. We’re going to adjust this trade by buying back the short call as [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – call back spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Aruba Networks / ARUN[/private_monthly] Price at trade opening: $22.79 Price at trade adjustment: $22.73 Option Strategy: call back spread Max Risk: $540 (at Jan expiration) Max Reward: unlimited Profit Range: $27.70 + [Read More …]

Trade Adjustment – diagonal call spread to calendar spread

Stock / Symbol: [private_monthly]Baidu / BIDU [/private_monthly] Option Strategy: calendar call spread –> adjusting to diagonal call spread Entry date: Oct 26th; Price at trade entry: $113.09 Last adjusted: Nov 24th with stock at $109.18 [Read More …]